Beschluss: Diem


Let me remind you that the END Committee has received a great deal of input from DSCs, from members and, indeed, from experts. Thousands of pages have been collected. Clearly, the END Committee could not incorporate all of it into a coherent END draft paper. Moreover, our job was not to summarise or collate but, instead, to come up with an overarching policy umbrella that identifies the key forces at work (which are disintegrating Europe and jeopardising Europeans) and targets specific policies against them. Additionally, it is important that the draft’s language and policy mix can appeal to progressives across Europe.

Der Text verglichen mit der Originalversion

1 Let me remind you that the END Committee has received a
2 great deal of input from DSCs, from members and, indeed,
3 from experts. Thousands of pages have been collected.
4 Clearly, the END Committee could not incorporate all of it
5 into a coherent END draft paper. Moreover, our job was not
6 to summarise or collate but, instead, to come up with an
7 overarching policy umbrella that identifies the key forces
8 at work (which are disintegrating Europe and jeopardising
9 Europeans) and targets specific policies against them.
10 Additionally, it is important that the draft’s language and
11 policy mix can appeal to progressives across Europe.


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